Welcome to
1260-1314 Centre Street
A proposal to create a new community in Thornhill
Located on the northeast corner of Centre Street and Concord Road in Thornhill, the site is approximately 2.97 acres, and is located within a Protected Major Transit Station Area (PMTSA) as designated by the Province.
Concen Developments is excited to connect with existing and future members of the community to discuss the vision and create a long-term positive impact on the neighbourhood.
Stay in Touch
Please check back here regularly for updates on community meetings and project updates.
Statutory Public Meeting
A Public Meeting for the proposed development is scheduled for Tuesday May 30th, 2023 at 7:00 p.m. at Vaughan City Hall.
Community Consultation
We are inviting you to a Community Consultation on July 5th, 2023 to learn more about the development proposal and to share your input.
Members of the project team will be present to answer questions and collect feedback/comments.
Community Consultation Presentation Download
Thank you for attending our Community Consultation Meeting on July 5th, 2023, and for providing your feedback on our proposed development at 1260-1314 Centre Street.
The slid edeck presented at the Consultation is available for download below
The building is designed to create a transition from the single family homes to Centre Street achieved through a gradual stepping in height with the tallest portion along Centre Street.
The proposal contemplates ample landscaping at grade to maximize the tree canopy. A Privately-Owned Public Space (POPS) is also being provided to encourage informal gathering space for the greater community.
As part of the development application, a comprehensive review of all provincial, regional, and municipal policies has been completed. The site is located in an area identified by the province as a Protected Major Transit Station Area (PMTSA).
The proposed development is consistent with and conforms to the applicable policy direction contained within the Provincial Policy Statement, the Growth Plan, and the York Region Official Plan. The proposal also generally conforms to the objectives of the Vaughan Official Plan and conforms to many policies contained therein. Specifically, the proposal advances the objectives of intensification, transit-supportive development, compact urban form, land use compatibility, and housing.
The proposal currently envisions approximately 11,625 square feet of retail space on the ground floor along Centre Street.
Yes, the proposal contains approximately 38,200 square feet (larger than 2 NHL hockey rinks) of indoor and outdoor amenity space.
At this time, the proposal is envisioning the units to be marketed for sale as condominium suites.
As part of the application, a detailed Construction Management Plan will be submitted to, and reviewed by the City prior to the approval of any construction activities to ensure impacts are minimized.
The Construction Management Plan will include protocols, such as designated routes for trucks, as well as noise and dust mitigation measures. We are currently working on the document and it will be included in future resubmissions.
The proposal contemplates 569 parking spaces to accommodate future residents, visitors and commercial parking.
At this time, access is provided via a driveway access on Concord Road.
At this time, a development application has been submitted. Next steps will include (1) consultation with members and groups within the community and Council, (2) receipt and response of City comments and community feedback via a resubmission, and (3) presentation of the proposal at the Design Review Panel.
To learn more about the development application process in Vaughan, we encourage you to visit the City’s website which explains the steps in reviewing a development proposal.
Additionally, the City has created a brochure outlining the development application process, which may be viewed here.
You may get involved by providing your comments in the form below.
You may also reach out to us at feedback@1260centrestreet.com. As part of the development application review process, there will be opportunities to provide your feedback as well. We encourage you to check the Updates section for future meetings.
Help Shape the Project
We are here to listen to feedback and comments from neighbours and members of the community as we continue to work through our proposal.
Help shape the future by sharing your thoughts with our team.